115.6 Pounds

So, I’m able to take one more bag than I had initially planned.  I e-mailed my contact and they were able to get me 2 bags full of supplies for the kiddos over in Ghana! I’ll need to rearrange some baggage, move some stuff here..some stuff there – stuff some shampoo in weird spots and all the fun that goes into packing – but how exciting!  I weighed each parcel and came up with a grand total of 115.6 pounds.  I joked with my mom about whether or not I should take clothes…she asked if I had to take my roos……is underwear necessary!? 😉 JUST KIDDING!!!

SO, when school’s out – I’ll be shopping for THIN items of clothing.  I think it’ll all work out perfectly – and the other good news is – if I understand correctly – this is most of the stuff that OSD was able to collect! I’m rethinking taking the video camera because how cool to see the kids when they get their new stuff.  ANOTHER good news tidbit – my darling husband bought me a lens cap to replace the one I lost from my camera (yes..the lens has 2 chips..very tiny, haven’t shown up on any photos..still beautiful pics!) so that’s exciting news too!!!

It’s just a good day and I can’t wait! THANK YOU OSD!!!!

May you have a good day too, dear reader!


Nothing too new to report.  I called FedEx to check on my envelope – it arrived in DC Thur Morn…they process visas in no less than 3 days no more than 5…so June 8th is my prospective…I dunno the right word – but it is by June 8th that I expect a package from FedEx myself 😉

Good news – I’m able to take one more bag than I thought – this means more school supplies for the tykes over yonder.

Hope you’re having a safe Memorial Day weekend. Remember what it’s for…